Event area


The APIs that access the events received by the event handler are explained for each area.

Interface belonging to area

Name Description
IEvent Provides event definition information.
You can refer to the event definition information defined in the manifest file.
IEventContext Provides access to the event execution context.
IEventParams This is the interface for event parameters.
IEditorEventParams Common parameters for editor events.
EventParams Base class for event parameters.
CancelableEventParams Base class for cancelable event parameters.
ConsumableEventParams Event Base class for event parameters that can be consumed.
EditorOnShowEventParams Parameters for editor display events.
EditorOnHideEventParams Parameters for the editor hidden event.
AfterStartEventParams The parameters of the event after application startup.
BeforeQuitEventParams This is a parameter for the event before the application ends.
ProjectAfterNewEventParams Parameters for the event after creating a new project.
ProjectBeforeOpenEventParams The parameters of the project pre-open event.
ProjectAfterOpenEventParams The parameters of the event after project opening.
ProjectBeforeSaveEventParams Parameters of the event before saving the project.
ProjectAfterSaveEventParams Parameters for the project save event.
ProjectBeforeCloseEventParams This is the parameter for the project close event.
ProjectAfterCloseEventParams Parameters of the project close event.
ProjectBeforeReloadEventParams Parameters of the project reload event.
ProjectAfterReloadEventParams The parameters of the project reload event.
ModelBeforeNewEventParams Parameters before the model addition event.
ModelAfterNewEventParams Parameters of the event after model addition.
ModelFieldChangedEventParams Parameters of the field value changed event.
ModelBeforeChangeOwnerEventParams Parameters of the parent change event of the model.
ModelAfterChangeOwnerEventParams Parameters of the parent change event of the model.
ModelBeforeChangeOrderEventParams This is the parameter of the model order change before event.
ModelAfterChangeOrderEventParams The parameters of the model order change event.
ModelBeforeDeleteEventParams The parameters of the model before deletion event.
ModelBeforeNewRelationEventParams Parameters of the related event before adding.
ModelAfterNewRelationEventParams This is a parameter for the event after adding a relation.
ModelOnValidateEventParams Model evaluation event parameters.
ModelOnErrorEventParams Parameters of model error addition event.
ModelEditedEventParams Parameters for model changed events.
All model information that some change occurred by one edit operation is notified.
ModelUndoRedoEventParams Undo/redo event parameters.
All model information that has been changed by the undo/redo operation will be notified.
BeforeExecuteEventParams Parameters for the event before command execution.
AfterExecuteEventParams Parameters for the event after command execution.
EditorSelectionChangedEventParams Parameters for the in-editor model selection event.
PageBeforeChangeEventParams Parameters for the before-page-change event.
PageAfterChangeEventParams Parameters for the page change event.
NavigatorOnShowEventParams NavigatorOnEvent parameters.
NavigatorOnHideEventParams Navigator OnHide event parameter.
NavigatorSelectionChangedEventParams It is a parameter of the model selection event in the navigator.
InformationOnShowEventParams Parameters for page display events in the information window.
InformationOnHideEventParams Parameters for the information window page hidden event.
InformationSelectionChangedEventParams Parameters for the information window page display element selection event.
InformationOnDoubleClickEventParams Parameters for the info window page display element double click event.

Event area

Name Definition Name Description
Application application Notifies that the application has been started or terminated.
Project project Notifies that the project has been created/loaded/saved/finished.
Model models Notification of model creation/update/move/delete and selection.
Command commands Notifies the execution of commands.
Editor editors Notify of display switching of editors and selection changes.
Page pages Notify of page changes (switches).
Navigator navigators Notifies the switching of the navigator display and selection changes.
Information window informations Notifications of page display switching and display element selection change in the information window.